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Home Loans For Paramedics


Emergency Services Credit Policy

✅Has been amended to increase full time emergency services workers borrowing capacity. This means you can borrow more.
✅Paramedics & ambulance officers can now include overtime, penalty payments, vehicle allowance, industry specific payments, and shift allowances.
✅These non base incomes are now assessed at 100%.
❗️Any pre-tax or salary deduction will be treated as per the previous standard practice.
❗️Interest earned, dividend income or bonuses will be assessed at 80%.

Why Does This Matter for Paramedics?

✅You can lean on the emergency services policy when you do not met serviceability as a standard PAYG applicant.
✅Helps you get your loan across the line.

Paramedic & Ambulance Officer Borrowing Power

✅Up to 100% with a no deposit loan.
✅105% with a guarantor. That is 100% of property value + purchasing costs.
✅Special interest discounts if borrowing less than 80% property value.

Criteria for Paramedic & Ambulance Officer?

✅Front line paramedics currently stationed at their duty stations.
✅Employed by same employer for at lest 12 months, unless change is due to promotion. Will need an employment letter if have changed within the last year.

Documents to Provide

✅1 year-to-date payslip covering 2 pay cycles OR 2 last consecutive payslips.
✅Latest PAYG summary or last tax return & notice of assessment.

Let us help you

I'm here if you need me.
No fee service.

Matthew Stack
0423 237 242

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